Tahir Chaudhry Email & Phone Number

Tahir Chaudhry

Business Analyst at Capgemini | Woking, England, United Kingdom

Tahir Chaudhry Socials
Tahir Chaudhry Work
1 experience icon

Business Analyst at Capgemini in February 2022 to Present

2 experience icon

Senior Consultant Geoscience at TMAG Oil & Gas U.K., Ltd. in November 2014 to January 2022

3 experience icon

Data Engineering Bootcamp Trainee at QA Ltd in August 2021 to October 2021

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Tahir Chaudhry Education

Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad, MSc

University of the Punjab, Lahore, Bachelor of Science (BSc)

Tahir Chaudhry Skills

Agile Project Management

Petrotechnical apps and Data

Seismic Data

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About Tahir Chaudhry's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Tahir Chaudhry

What is Tahir Chaudhry email address?

Email Tahir Chaudhry at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Tahir Chaudhry's email found in 2024.

How to contact Tahir Chaudhry?

To contact Tahir Chaudhry send an email to [email protected] or [email protected].

What is TMAG Oil and Gas UK?

TMAG Oil and Gas UK is an active private limited company incorporated on 19 November 2014 with its registered office address at 9 Little Riding, Woking, Surrey, GU22 7EP. The company primarily engages in support activities for petroleum and natural gas extraction (SIC code: 09100) and offers engineering-related scientific and technical consulting activities (SIC code: 71122).

Who is Tahir Mehmood Chaudhry from TMAG Oil & Gas U.K., Ltd.?

Tahir Mehmood Chaudhry is associated with TMAG Oil & Gas U.K., Ltd. as an active director, having been appointed on 30 August 2019. His correspondence address for the company is 9 Little Riding, Woking, Surrey, GU22 7EP. He holds British nationality and resides in England. Professionally, Tahir Mehmood Chaudhry is a Consultant Geophysicist. Additionally, he is also an active director at TGI Enterprises Ltd, with the role of a Company Director.

Who is Tahir Chaudhry?

The name "Tahir Chaudhry" refers to several individuals: 1. Tahir Mehmood Chaudhry, a British national associated with TMAG Oil & Gas U.K., Ltd. as a Consultant Geophysicist. 2. Dr. Tahir Chaudhry, an Allergy and Clinical Immunology specialist based in Sunnybank, Australia. 3. Tahir Chaudhry, a renowned Pakistani chef who worked with Masala TV and passed away in 2018. Given the multiple references, you may need to specify which Tahir Chaudhry you are inquiring about for more detailed information.

What company does Tahir Chaudhry work for?

Tahir Chaudhry works for Capgemini

What is Tahir Chaudhry's role at Capgemini?

Tahir Chaudhry is Business Analyst

What is Tahir Chaudhry's Phone Number?

Tahir Chaudhry's phone +44 ** **** *953

What industry does Tahir Chaudhry work in?

Tahir Chaudhry works in the Oil & Energy industry.

Tahir Chaudhry Email Addresses

Email Tahir Chaudhry at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Tahir Chaudhry's email found in 2024.

Tahir Chaudhry Phone Numbers

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