Shawna Tuli Email & Phone Number

Shawna Tuli

Avanade Northern California Social Committee at Mountain View - Applied Intelligence at Accenture | Mountain View, California, United States

Shawna Tuli Socials
About Shawna Tuli

Shawna Tuli is a dynamic leader at Accenture, where she serves as the Incoming Artificial Intelligence & Advanced Analytics Manager. Based in the heart of Silicon Valley, Shawna leverages her extensive expertise in Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, and Advanced Analytics to drive innovation and strategic success for clients across various sectors, including Google, Amazon, and Fortune 100 companies. Her role involves leading multidisciplinary teams of Data Scientists, Cloud Engineers, and Consultants, empowering them to harness cutting-edge technologies and deliver actionable insights that propel business growth.

At Avanade Northern California, Shawna plays a pivotal role in the Social Committee, fostering a collaborative environment that encourages knowledge sharing and community engagement. Her commitment to building a vibrant workplace culture is reflected in her initiatives that promote professional development and networking opportunities among peers. Shawna’s proficiency in major technology stacks, including Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, and Amazon Web Services, enables her to implement advanced predictive modeling and AI solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of her clients.

With a strong foundation in public speaking and influence without authority, Shawna excels at communicating complex technical concepts to diverse audiences, ensuring that stakeholders are aligned and informed. Her background as a Xoogler and her San Jose roots further enrich her understanding of the tech landscape, allowing her to navigate challenges with a strategic mindset. As she continues to lead transformative projects, Shawna remains dedicated to advancing the field of AI and data science, making a lasting impact on the industry and the communities she serves.

Shawna Tuli Work
1 experience icon

Advisor - AI & Data Science Leadership at LinkedIn in October 2023 to Present

2 experience icon

Advisor - AI & Data Science Leadership at Harvard Business Review in July 2021 to Present

3 experience icon

Avanade Northern California Social Committee at Mountain View - Applied Intelligence at Accenture in August 2020 to Present

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Shawna Tuli Education

Stanford University School of Engineering

Shawna Tuli Skills


Public Speaking

Statistical Modeling

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About Shawna Tuli's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Shawna Tuli

What is Shawna Tuli email address?

Email Shawna Tuli at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Shawna Tuli's email found in 2024.

How to contact Shawna Tuli?

To contact Shawna Tuli send an email at [email protected].

What company does Shawna Tuli work for?

Shawna Tuli works for Accenture

What is Shawna Tuli's role at Accenture?

Shawna Tuli is Avanade Northern California Social Committee at Mountain View - Applied Intelligence

What is Shawna Tuli's Phone Number?

Shawna Tuli's phone (213) ***-*321

Shawna Tuli Email Addresses

Email Shawna Tuli at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Shawna Tuli's email found in 2024.

Shawna Tuli Phone Numbers

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