Nanda Kapoor

HR Manager at Flipkart | Greater Hyderabad Area

Nanda Kapoor Socials
About Nanda Kapoor

Nanda Kapoor currently serves as the HR Manager at Flipkart, where she plays a pivotal role in shaping the company’s human resources strategy and ensuring seamless employee management. With a strong focus on recruitment and onboarding, Nanda oversees the entire hiring process, from talent acquisition to final negotiations and induction. Her expertise in Oracle HR systems allows her to efficiently manage employee databases, ensuring that both digital and physical records are meticulously maintained.

In her role, Nanda is also responsible for handling payroll management and salary disbursement, ensuring compliance with statutory requirements while maintaining accuracy in attendance and leave management. She interprets and advises on employment law, providing guidance to both employees and management on grievances and disciplinary procedures. By collaborating closely with line managers, Nanda develops HR planning strategies that align with Flipkart's immediate and long-term staffing needs, fostering a proactive approach to workforce management.

Moreover, Nanda is committed to employee development, planning and delivering training programs, including comprehensive inductions for new hires. Her strategic HR initiatives not only enhance employee engagement but also contribute to a positive workplace culture. With a robust background in HR transformation and a keen understanding of the telecommunications and technical support sectors, Nanda Kapoor exemplifies the qualities of a forward-thinking HR leader, dedicated to driving organizational success through effective human resource practices. Her ability to balance operational efficiency with a people-centric approach makes her an invaluable asset to Flipkart's HR department.

Nanda Kapoor Work
1 experience icon

HR Manager at Flipkart in May 2014 to Present

2 experience icon

HR Specialist at Infosys in July 2012 to April 2014

3 experience icon

HR Generalist at Intel® AIM Suite in September 2010 to June 2012

Nanda Kapoor Education

Institute of Management Technology, HYDERABAD, Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.), January 2008 to January 2010

Nanda Kapoor Skills

Oracle HR

HR Project Management

HR Transformation

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About Nanda Kapoor's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Nanda Kapoor

What is Nanda Kapoor email address?

Email Nanda Kapoor at nanda.kapoor@flipkart.com. This email is the most updated Nanda Kapoor's email found in 2024.

How to contact Nanda Kapoor?

To contact Nanda Kapoor send an email to nanda.kapoor@flipkart.com.

What company does Nanda Kapoor work for?

Nanda Kapoor works for Flipkart

What is Nanda Kapoor's role at Flipkart?

Nanda Kapoor is HR Manager

What is Nanda Kapoor's Phone Number?

Nanda Kapoor's phone (**) *** *** 548

What industry does Nanda Kapoor work in?

Nanda Kapoor works in the Information Technology & Services industry.

Nanda Kapoor Email Addresses

Email Nanda Kapoor at nanda.kapoor@flipkart.com. This email is the most updated Nanda Kapoor's email found in 2024.

Nanda Kapoor Phone Numbers

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