Muhammad Binghatti Email & Phone Number

Muhammad Binghatti

Chief Executive Officer at Binghatti Holding | Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Muhammad Binghatti Socials
About Muhammad Binghatti

Muhammad Binghatti serves as the Chief Executive Officer of Binghatti Holding, a premier real estate development firm based in the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC). Under his visionary leadership, Binghatti has established itself as the UAE’s leading property brand, recognized for its innovative architectural designs and commitment to excellence. With an impressive investment portfolio exceeding AED 20 billion, the company has successfully delivered a multitude of prime projects across Dubai, each showcasing a unique blend of modern aesthetics and functional design.

Binghatti's projects are not just buildings; they are landmarks that redefine urban living. Muhammad’s expertise in real estate development and architectural design has been pivotal in creating iconic structures that resonate with both local and international markets. His strategic approach to asset management and business strategy has enabled Binghatti to navigate the competitive landscape of the UAE real estate sector effectively.

In addition to his role in project development, Muhammad is deeply involved in organizational development and team building, fostering a culture of innovation and collaboration within the company. His adept negotiation skills and keen understanding of market dynamics have positioned Binghatti as a frontrunner in the industry, making it the first real estate developer globally to implement cutting-edge design and construction management practices. As Binghatti continues to expand its footprint, Muhammad Binghatti remains committed to pushing the boundaries of architectural prowess, ensuring that each project not only meets but exceeds the expectations of clients and stakeholders alike.

Muhammad Binghatti Work
1 experience icon

Chief Executive Officer at Binghatti Holding in January 2014 to Present

Muhammad Binghatti Skills

Real Estate Development

Architectural Design

Asset Management

See more

About Muhammad Binghatti's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Muhammad Binghatti

What is Muhammad Binghatti phone number?

Muhammad Binghatti phone number is +971 4 333 4440.

How to contact Muhammad Binghatti?

If you want to call Muhammad Binghatti try calling on +971 4 333 4440.

How old is Muhammad Binghatti?

Muhammad Binghatti was born on July 16, 1972, which makes him 51 years old as of 2023.

Who is Muhammad BinGhatti?

Muhammad BinGhatti is the CEO of Binghatti, a leading holding company in the UAE known for its unique architectural towers in Dubai. He took over the family property development business in 2014 and transformed it into a prominent entity with a portfolio of more than 40 projects, valued at over AED3.5 billion (€$843 million). What distinguishes Muhammad from many other CEOs in the real estate sector is his background as a qualified architect. He plays a significant role in designing the buildings, introducing the idea of integrating art into properties. This approach has changed how people perceive real estate, making it about selling a brand, similar to the automotive or fashion sector. Binghatti was originally founded in 2008 by Muhammad’s father, Hussain BinGhatti Aljbori. Under Muhammad's leadership and vision of 'the art of property', the company has seen significant growth and recognition.

What is Muhammad BinGhatti's nationality?

Muhammad BinGhatti is of Emirati nationality, leading Binghatti, a prominent holding company in the UAE. His significant contributions to the real estate sector, especially in Dubai, have been noteworthy.

What is the email address of Muhammad BinGhatti?

Muhammad Binghatti can be reached at his personal email address: mu****[email protected]. Click on the "View Muhammad Binghatti's Email and Phone Number" button above for the full email address.

Who is Muhammad BinGhatti and what is his background?

Muhammad BinGhatti is the CEO of Binghatti Holding, a leading property brand in the UAE. With its headquarters in Dubai, Binghatti Holding is renowned for developing properties that showcase architectural prowess. The company operates with an investment value exceeding AED 20 Billion and has a portfolio of numerous prime projects in Dubai. Binghatti is the first real estate developer globally to partner with luxury brands like Bugatti and Jacob & Co for branded real estate projects. Muhammad has been the CEO since January 2014. Before leading Binghatti Holding, he has had experience with other prominent organizations. He has received numerous awards and honors, including being listed as #30 of the Forbes Top 100 Real Estate Companies in the Arab World in 2017. Fluent in both Arabic and English, Muhammad's contributions to the real estate sector, especially in Dubai, have been significant.

What company does Muhammad Binghatti work for?

Muhammad Binghatti works for Binghatti Holding

What is Muhammad Binghatti's role at Binghatti Holding?

Muhammad Binghatti is Chief Executive Officer

What is Muhammad Binghatti's personal email address?

Muhammad Binghatti's personal email address is mu****[email protected]

What is Muhammad Binghatti's business email address?

Muhammad Binghatti's business email address is muhammad.binghatti@***.***

What industry does Muhammad Binghatti work in?

Muhammad Binghatti works in the Real Estate industry.

Muhammad Binghatti Email Addresses

Muhammad Binghatti Phone Numbers

Muhammad Binghatti phone number is +971 4 333 4440.
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