Harry Kane

Director Of Operations and Marketing at HQ Analytics | New York, New York, United States

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About Harry Kane

As the Director of Operations and Marketing at HQ Analytics, Harry Kane plays a pivotal role in driving the organization’s strategic initiatives and enhancing operational efficiency within the healthcare sector. With a robust background in Healthcare Operations and Revenue Cycle Management (RCM), Harry is adept at navigating the complexities of medical billing workflows, ensuring compliance with industry standards while optimizing revenue streams. His hands-on experience across various roles in Medical and Worker’s Compensation Billing operations equips him with a comprehensive understanding of the intricacies involved in delivering quality healthcare services.

In his current capacity, Harry is responsible for maintaining seamless operations within the organization, which includes the development and execution of a targeted marketing plan. He meticulously selects media channels and oversees campaigns to ensure they resonate with the intended audience, ultimately leading to positive feedback and measurable results. By collaborating closely with C-level management, Harry contributes to the formulation of company policies and protocols that align with the organization’s mission to enhance patient satisfaction and service quality.

Harry’s expertise extends to leadership development and team management, where he fosters a culture of continuous improvement and accountability. His analytical skills in revenue analysis and medical compliance are instrumental in identifying opportunities for growth and innovation within the healthcare landscape. As a forward-thinking professional, Harry Kane is committed to leveraging his skills in EHR, CPT coding, and managed care to drive HQ Analytics toward achieving its objectives and exceeding customer expectations.

Harry Kane Work
1 experience icon

Director Of Operations and Marketing at HQ Analytics in January 2011 to Present

2 experience icon

Practice Manager at 139 Medical PC in July 2009 to December 2010

Harry Kane Education

Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.), January 2006 to January 2008

About Harry Kane's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Harry Kane

What is Harry Kane email address?

Email Harry Kane at This email is the most updated Harry Kane's email found in 2024.

What is Harry Kane phone number?

Harry Kane phone number is 212-470-1500.

How to contact Harry Kane?

To contact Harry Kane send an email to If you want to call Harry Kane try calling on 212-470-1500.

What company does Harry Kane work for?

Harry Kane works for HQ Analytics

What is Harry Kane's role at HQ Analytics?

Harry Kane is Director Of Operations and Marketing

What industry does Harry Kane work in?

Harry Kane works in the Hospital & Health Care industry.

Harry Kane Email Addresses

Email Harry Kane at This email is the most updated Harry Kane's email found in 2024.

Harry Kane Phone Numbers

Harry Kane phone number is 212-470-1500.
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