Christy Carter

Co-Owner at Employment Solutions Ohio | Columbus, Ohio, United States

Christy Carter Socials
About Christy Carter

Christy Carter is a dynamic Co-Owner at Employment Solutions Ohio, where she leverages her extensive expertise in staffing and recruiting services to drive business growth and foster meaningful connections between employers and job seekers. With a strong background in sales and marketing, Christy has been instrumental in developing innovative strategies that enhance the company’s visibility in a competitive marketplace. Her proficiency in public speaking allows her to effectively communicate the value of Employment Solutions Ohio’s services, positioning the firm as a trusted partner for businesses seeking top talent.

Currently, Christy is spearheading several key projects aimed at expanding the company’s reach within the healthcare sector, focusing on recruiting qualified professionals to meet the growing demands of the industry. Her deep understanding of employee benefits and wellness programs enables her to provide tailored solutions that not only attract candidates but also enhance employee satisfaction and retention. By utilizing her skills in customer service and benefits administration, Christy ensures that both clients and candidates receive exceptional support throughout the hiring process.

In addition to her hands-on experience, Christy is well-versed in utilizing Microsoft Office tools to streamline operations and improve efficiency within the organization. Her commitment to small business growth and development is evident in her proactive approach to networking and relationship-building, which has resulted in numerous successful placements and long-term partnerships. As Employment Solutions Ohio continues to evolve, Christy’s leadership and vision remain pivotal in shaping the future of staffing and recruiting in Ohio.

Christy Carter Work
1 experience icon

Co-Owner at Employment Solutions Ohio in November 2012 to Present

2 experience icon

Director of Client Services at Workwell Occupational Medicine in October 2011 to November 2012

3 experience icon

Vice President at Ewing Leavitt Insurance Agency, Inc in September 1994 to October 2011

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Christy Carter Skills

Public Speaking

Health Insurance


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About Christy Carter's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Christy Carter

What is Christy Carter email address?

Email Christy Carter at and This email is the most updated Christy Carter's email found in 2024.

How to contact Christy Carter?

To contact Christy Carter send an email to or

What company does Christy Carter work for?

Christy Carter works for Employment Solutions Ohio

What is Christy Carter's role at Employment Solutions Ohio?

Christy Carter is Co-Owner

What is Christy Carter's Phone Number?

Christy Carter's phone (216) ***-*728

What industry does Christy Carter work in?

Christy Carter works in the Staffing & Recruiting industry.

Christy Carter Email Addresses

Email Christy Carter at and This email is the most updated Christy Carter's email found in 2024.

Christy Carter Phone Numbers

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