Charleston Berry

L.A. Workplace Manager at SoundCloud | Los Angeles, California, United States

Charleston Berry Socials
About Charleston Berry

Charleston Dupree Berry currently serves as the L.A. Workplace Manager at SoundCloud, where he plays a pivotal role in ensuring the seamless operation of the Los Angeles office. With a deep-seated passion for the entertainment industry, Charleston leverages his resourcefulness and leadership strengths to manage day-to-day facility operations and logistics. His responsibilities encompass a wide range of tasks, including inventory management, vendor relations, and safety oversight, all of which are critical to maintaining a productive and compliant workplace environment.

Charleston is particularly adept at creating and implementing business readiness KPIs, which serve as essential metrics for facility compliance and operational efficiency. His keen eye for identifying process improvements has led to significant enhancements in service delivery and overall productivity within the office. By collaborating closely with the People Director, he supports employee relations initiatives that foster a positive workplace culture, ensuring that SoundCloud remains a dynamic and engaging environment for its employees.

In addition to his operational expertise, Charleston's proficiency in tools like Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint allows him to effectively communicate complex data and insights to stakeholders. His outstanding time management skills and experience in production coordination further enable him to juggle multiple projects simultaneously, ensuring that all aspects of workplace management are executed flawlessly. As a leader in a fast-paced and ever-evolving industry, Charleston Dupree Berry exemplifies the innovative spirit of Los Angeles, driving SoundCloud's mission forward while nurturing a collaborative and efficient workplace.

Charleston Berry Work
1 experience icon

L.A. Workplace Manager at SoundCloud in January 2021 to Present

2 experience icon

Coordinator, Facilities & Office Management at Bunim Murray Productions in February 2019 to December 2020

3 experience icon

Office Manager at ROW8 in October 2017 to January 2019

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Charleston Berry Skills

Microsoft Excel

Customer Service

Data Entry

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About Charleston Berry's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Charleston Berry

What is Charleston Dupree Berry email address?

Email Charleston Dupree Berry at charleston_berry@yahoo.com, charlestonberry68@gmail.com and charleston.berry@soundcloud.com. This email is the most updated Charleston Dupree Berry's email found in 2024.

What is Charleston Dupree Berry phone number?

Charleston Dupree Berry phone number is 3233813548 and 8137789531.

How to contact Charleston Dupree Berry?

To contact Charleston Dupree Berry send an email to charleston_berry@yahoo.com, charlestonberry68@gmail.com or charleston.berry@soundcloud.com. If you want to call Charleston Dupree Berry try calling on 3233813548 and 8137789531.

What company does Charleston Berry work for?

Charleston Berry works for SoundCloud

What is Charleston Berry's role at SoundCloud?

Charleston Berry is L.A. Workplace Manager

What industry does Charleston Berry work in?

Charleston Berry works in the Entertainment industry.

Charleston Berry Email Addresses

Charleston Berry Phone Numbers

Charleston Dupree Berry phone number is 3233813548 and 8137789531.
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