Annamaria Capozzi Email & Phone Number

Annamaria Capozzi

Giornalista GossipNews, responsabile blog GoMamma, at GossipNews | Rome, Latium, Italy

Annamaria Capozzi Socials
About Annamaria Capozzi

Annamaria Capozzi is a dynamic journalist currently making waves at GossipNews, where she serves as the lead writer and editor for the GoMamma blog. With a profound passion for uncovering the intricacies of culture and society, Annamaria expertly navigates the realms of celebrity news, lifestyle trends, and sports entertainment. Her role at GossipNews allows her to blend her extensive knowledge of cronaca rosa with her keen insights into contemporary societal issues, making her a versatile voice in the digital journalism landscape.

Annamaria is particularly known for her engaging storytelling abilities, which she employs to craft compelling articles that resonate with a diverse audience. Her expertise in SEO ensures that her content not only captivates readers but also ranks well in search engines, enhancing visibility and reach. As a skilled conduttore radiofonico, she brings her stories to life through audio and video formats, showcasing her proficiency in multimedia journalism.

In addition to her editorial responsibilities, Annamaria is adept at leveraging social media platforms to engage with her audience, fostering a vibrant online community around the topics she covers. Her background in new media and information technologies equips her with the tools necessary to stay ahead in an ever-evolving digital landscape. Through her work at GossipNews, Annamaria Capozzi continues to push the boundaries of traditional journalism, blending her love for storytelling with innovative approaches to content creation and audience engagement.

Annamaria Capozzi Work
1 experience icon

Giornalista GossipNews, responsabile blog GoMamma, at GossipNews in June 2001 to Present

2 experience icon

Addetto stampa at Lilt in March 2024 to Present

3 experience icon

Collaboratore esterno at Mediaset - Mattino 5 in May 2016 to March 2024

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Annamaria Capozzi Education

Sapienza Università di Roma, Laurea

Annamaria Capozzi Skills

Press officw

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)


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Frequently Asked Questions about Annamaria Capozzi

What is Annamaria Capozzi email address?

Email Annamaria Capozzi at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Annamaria Capozzi's email found in 2024.

How to contact Annamaria Capozzi?

To contact Annamaria Capozzi send an email to [email protected] or [email protected].

What company does Annamaria Capozzi work for?

Annamaria Capozzi works for GossipNews

What is Annamaria Capozzi's role at GossipNews?

Annamaria Capozzi is Giornalista GossipNews, responsabile blog GoMamma,

What is Annamaria Capozzi's Phone Number?

Annamaria Capozzi's phone (**) *** *** 344

What industry does Annamaria Capozzi work in?

Annamaria Capozzi works in the Newspapers industry.

Annamaria Capozzi Email Addresses

Email Annamaria Capozzi at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Annamaria Capozzi's email found in 2024.

Annamaria Capozzi Phone Numbers

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