Ajith Kumar

Vice President at Speridian Technologies | Sugar Land, Texas, United States

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About Ajith Kumar

Ajith Kumar serves as the Vice President of Enterprise Architecture and Application Delivery at Speridian Technologies, where he brings over 18 years of extensive experience in leading large-scale system implementations, particularly within the public sector. Since joining Speridian in 2013, Ajith has been instrumental in driving the Public Sector practice, focusing on innovative digital transformation strategies that enhance operational efficiency and service delivery for government entities. His role encompasses the critical responsibility of solution design and delivery, ensuring that all public sector engagements are aligned with best practices and tailored to meet the unique needs of each client.

Ajith's expertise in data modeling, Informatica, and MySQL positions him as a key player in developing robust data architectures that support informed decision-making and strategic planning. His proficiency in Siebel UCM and customer relationship management (CRM) systems enables him to streamline processes and improve stakeholder engagement. Additionally, his technical skills in Unix and Windows environments, coupled with a strong foundation in data quality and BI Publisher, empower him to oversee complex implementations that require meticulous attention to detail and a deep understanding of enterprise systems.

Under Ajith’s leadership, Speridian has successfully executed numerous high-impact projects that leverage cutting-edge technologies to foster digital transformation. His commitment to excellence and innovation not only enhances the capabilities of public sector organizations but also positions Speridian as a trusted partner in navigating the complexities of modern governance. As he continues to drive forward-thinking solutions, Ajith remains dedicated to empowering public sector clients to achieve their strategic objectives through effective technology integration and enterprise architecture.

Ajith Kumar Work
1 experience icon

Vice President at Speridian Technologies in September 2019 to Present

2 experience icon

Practice Manager at Speridian Technologies in July 2014 to August 2019

3 experience icon

Managing Principal at Speridian Technologies in March 2009 to July 2014

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Ajith Kumar Skills

Solution Architecture


Enterprise Architecture

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About Ajith Kumar's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Ajith Kumar

What is Ajith Kumar email address?

Email Ajith Kumar at ithkumar@gmail.com and ajith.kumar@speridian.com. This email is the most updated Ajith Kumar's email found in 2024.

How to contact Ajith Kumar?

To contact Ajith Kumar send an email to ithkumar@gmail.com or ajith.kumar@speridian.com.

What company does Ajith Kumar work for?

Ajith Kumar works for Speridian Technologies

What is Ajith Kumar's role at Speridian Technologies?

Ajith Kumar is Vice President

What is Ajith Kumar's Phone Number?

Ajith Kumar's phone (214) ***-*110

What industry does Ajith Kumar work in?

Ajith Kumar works in the Computer Software industry.

Ajith Kumar Email Addresses

Email Ajith Kumar at ithkumar@gmail.com and ajith.kumar@speridian.com. This email is the most updated Ajith Kumar's email found in 2024.

Ajith Kumar Phone Numbers

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